Email Address (required) Student First Name (required) Student Last Name (required) Student Middle Name Student Preferred Name Gender (Identifies as) MaleFemale
Student Birth Date (required)
Student Current School (required) Student Current Grade (required) ---89101112Other
Student Address (required) Student Phone Student Email (required) Student Skype
Parent 1 Name (required) Parent 1 Primary Phone Number (required) Parent 1 Email (required)
Parent 2 Name (required) Parent 2 Primary Phone Number (required) Parent 2 Email (required)
I agree to communicate to the Director of The Cottage School in writing any changes in any matters contained herein even if such changes occur after the student has been enrolled. I understand that upon discovery of any inaccuracy in the information requested herein, The Cottage School reserves the right to revoke any admission.
By selecting the "I Accept" button below, you are signing this Agreement electronically. You agree your electronic signature is the legal equivalent of your manual signature on this Agreement.
Name (required)
Academic Integrity is one of the core values at The Cottage School Diploma Program. Academic Integrity means that all work you submit is created by you and is an original representation of your work. It means that what you submit is your own work. Academic Integrity can be defined by honest academic work where:
1. The ideas and the writing of others are properly cited; 2. Students submit their own work for tests and assignments without unauthorized assistance; 3. Students do not provide unauthorized assistance to others; and 4. Students report their research or accomplishments accurately.
I have read, understood and agree to the Academic Honesty Policy Yes I have read and Understand and agree to the academic honesty policy
Electronic Signature
Upload Student's Previous Grade Transcript/Marks Card